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Poison Ivy

Nobody swims in more poison ivy or oak then the tree climber. It’s a daily occurance. I wonder why no one ever asks what the best way to deal with it, from the person who deals with the most.

Leaves of three, let them be. It’s called poison for a reason. It’s an assault on your immune system, a system not prepared.

Invasive Species

Poison Oak

We Deliver

Ash Tree Takedown From the Top Down

Deep Roots

Immune System, Do you even work here?

Poison Ivy

Question: How does the snake charmer not fear the bite of the snake?

Answer: He had been bitten so many times, and died so many times, that after coming back to life, so many times, each time a little bit stronger, until one day it became just a mere nuisance.

Exposure is the keys to the kingdom, for when you are fighting an immune attack like that of poison ivy, your immune system is hypeactive, keeping pesky viruses at bay. 

Between the various thisles, thorns in our hands our skin becomes callous and resistant to nature and its abrasive properties.

Persons, homeowners, trail hikers, campers are encouraged to be wary of our poisonous friends, but we must also not grow too soft for nature, for she rules with a mighty hand.

As I sit here writting this, I spent all day peeling it off the various trees I climbed, my skin warm from the battle underneath, but I already know the outcome. It’s in my ropes, on my saddle, on my boots, its everywhere. Daily exposure has made me proof to it, like water to fire. I can feel my immune system ramping up, there’s an inner warmth letting me know we’re firing on all cylinders, good as bulletproof.

Pest investigation

Are There Other Invasive Species?

Gypsy Moth

The gypsies are back in town!

Like the wandering groups of old, a band of colourful characters have quietly moved in to the neighbourhood and set up camp in the nearby woodlot. However, rather than provide fortune telling services, these gypsies are busy defoliating the oak trees.


I refer, of course, to the gypsy moth caterpillars which have appeared in high numbers this year and have shown up across the County on trees, patio decks and furniture, walkways, and hitching a ride on your jacket.

They may be tiny when they first begin their ‘walk about’, but in no time at all they can become as big as your little finger. And the forest canopy will diminish at a similar rate.


Gypsy moths are foreigners to North America when looked at from a natural establishment point of view. This species, which is native to Europe, Africa and southern Asia, first arrived on this continent in 1869 being noticed at that time in Massachusetts. It probably arrived as an egg mass stuck on a wood pallet.

So that’s their back story… why be concerned about then now?


During the larval part of their life cycle (more commonly known as a “caterpillar”) they, like all caterpillars everywhere, eat a lot. Some species of moths eat very specific plants, others like these gypsies eat a variety of both hardwood and conifer trees.

Now that’s too bad in itself, the trouble begins when there is a year when their population explodes and they number in the hundreds per tree. All that nibbling and munching soon has the tree looking a tad naked.



What our clients are Saying

Len Reed

“Wonderful to find a company that performs beyond expectations. Jan, David and the crew achieved a remarkable feat on my lakefront property. They removed 4 huge maple trees all exceeding 100 feet in height on a steep hillside with no access between my house and the lakefront. They worked very effectively and demonstrated their vast experience and knowledge to take down and remove the trees in a very safe manner and left my property in immaculate condition. Great guys that take pride in their work!”

William Besimer

“Knowledgeable, fast, and friendly. They also cleaned up some branches that weren’t cut down from the work for that day. Backyard was left cleaner than it was when they came. Would highly recommend.”


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